Thursday, September 09, 2004

Who Am I?

I’m scared that I’m going to forget who I am. When I go to sleep, I just lay there saying over and over who I am and how old and everything like that, hoping that it’ll help me remember those things in the morning. I’ve never forgotten before, but since I’ve been doing this so much lately, I’m afraid that if I stop, I’ll forget because I’ve gotten dependent on doing it. Amnesia would suck and plus cuz I don’t always believe people, I might not trust them if they try to tell me my real name. What if I woke up thinking I was someone else?? I mean, I’m sure it’s happened. So yeah, I really don’t like going to sleep. Thankfully I still think I know everything about myself that I did yesterday, but I’m not sure. Am I going crazy or does everyone feel like this? It helps to know I’m not alone.

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