Monday, February 09, 2009

Not Blocked?

It's Monday and I'm at work. My computer is puttering away at authoring a scouting DVD for one of our soccer players, and so while I patiently wait for it to finish, I'm surfing the Internet, only to discover that Blogger isn't blocked. I had assumed that it would be, since sites like Xanga, Facebook, Twitter, and the like are all blocked. But apparently Blogger isn't. Which means one thing, I can update this while at work. That's good news for the potential survival of this blog, since I'm more often at work than at home. Viva La Blog!


Ariah said...

So, I'm totally subscribed here. I wonder who else is. Anyways, your rss went live again so a bunch of your OLD post showed up in my reader too. Your funny. I want to start a "journaling" blog again too. I was reading my old xanga posts and enjoying it.
Do you think I should set up a random blog? Do it on facebook? xanga? 43 things? Where?

Zach said...

Hey Ariah, that's the cool thing about RSS feeds, I can not update this in years and you still get the new posts, haha. I'm not quite sure if you get new comment replies in your RSS, so you may never read this, but I like journalling. I think you should keep your focus on the Trying to Follow blog, because I think that is really important and you already have a lot of community centered around that. Like you said, I'm the only one that reads this, haha. Oh, and there must have been a mass migration away from Xanga, because no one is there anymore!