Monday, November 01, 2004


Ariah's been talking about this FMA thing. For those of you who don't know what it is, you're not alone. I kinda nodded when he brought it up and then made an excuse about having to go to chapel (ha!) and resolved to look it up later on google. Well that was a bust! I seriously doubt if he was talking about Filipino Martial Arts. I need your help guys! If anyone knows what this is, please let me know. He's been emailing me asking what my thoughts on it are, and so I've just been sending him parts of a paper I wrote a long time ago about Billy Graham, replacing his name with FMA, and I dont' think he's gonna fall for it too much longer. Please help!

1 comment:

Ariah said...

Wow. Zach I didn't know. I really liked the paper though. If I knew I would have said something, I mean...
Well, I'm sorry, keep writing though I've liked what you shared. I'm still trying to figure it out myself. Maybe I could pass what you wrote on to the Student Government, they might connect with that more then what I've been talking about.