Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Website

Hey, so this is news! I got a new website. I finally got and put up a website, and you should totally go check it out! Let me know what you think of it...

Monday, February 09, 2009

Not Blocked?

It's Monday and I'm at work. My computer is puttering away at authoring a scouting DVD for one of our soccer players, and so while I patiently wait for it to finish, I'm surfing the Internet, only to discover that Blogger isn't blocked. I had assumed that it would be, since sites like Xanga, Facebook, Twitter, and the like are all blocked. But apparently Blogger isn't. Which means one thing, I can update this while at work. That's good news for the potential survival of this blog, since I'm more often at work than at home. Viva La Blog!

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Apparently I didn't get the memo that says you need to post a blog entry at least once every three years in order to be in the cool club. Also, I may or may not have misspelled "apparently" just now. If I did, it's a funny way to start off a post to a blog that essentially died years ago from malnutrition and lack of exercise.

A quick fact about me: I never (ever) know how to spell exercise. I always (always) have to look it up. Here's how it ranks with other common spelling mistakes I make:

Rare: spelling "fruniture"
Occasional: spelling "Christina" instead of "Christian"
Ubiquitous: Spelling exercise incorrectly the first try, usually "excersice"

(Some close reader might notice that while I will take the time to check and correct the spelling of "exercise," I don't bother to check to see if I spelled "apparently" correctly at the start of this blog entry. This probably says something about me...I just don't know what. Side note: I think the correct word instead of "spelled" that I used before should be "spelt." Personal opinion.)

So you'd think that this was some sort of grammar blog (is grammar really with an -ar at the end??) or some sort of existential post-modern blog. It really is neither, I promise. Honestly, you can't really classify it as much of anything at the moment. I was looking through past entries, and most are ridiculously short or uninteresting or simply links to some audio I recorded with a friend. I've got some more substantial blogs on this site, but those are currently set to private, since I don't have the time right now to read through them and make sure they are safe for public consumption.

It is Sunday, tomorrow is Monday, and it's now my bedtime. Hello week. My name is Zach.